Once upon a time...
Our Hero traveled to a castle town besieged by a terrible evil. A dark fortress floated in the sky above the castle, corrupting the land below. Trapped within was the town's ruler; their beloved princess. Our Hero navigated the corrupted town, castle, and surrounding areas, gaining powerful abilities in his quest to enter the dark fortress and save the princess. But ultimately, he failed...

A hundred years later, The Hero awakens in the ruins of the castle town, a mere Echo of what he once was. The Echo has no memories, but is driven to reach the dark fortress that still looms above. The Echo is much weaker than The Hero, but has a metaphysical presence that links him to the past and the ruins around him. Haunted by The Hero's failure, The Echo must find a way to be released from his torment.

The Echo now encounters a world that resonates with his instincts of the adventure game that was one his life. But that world is past, and The Echo will have to find new paths through territory that is somehow familiar.

The Echo, being weaker than The Hero, does not have all of his abilities. Through his link to The Hero, he can obtain The Hero's old items at resonance points - places where the memory of an item is very strong because it was used there a lot, or because The Hero found it there originally. However, The Echo only has the strength to "resonate" two items at a time. To resonate a third, the echo must "release" one of the first two. The echo can regain that item by revisiting a resonance point where it manifests. With this, he undertakes the task that he is cursed with - to finish his original quest.